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Audley Primary School

A Journey to Excellence

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British Values and SMSC


It is important that our school endeavours “to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” DfE 2014.


Audley Primary School is a values-based learning community. We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom. We aim to nurture our children on their journey through life so they can grow into safe, caring, democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who make a positive difference to British society and to the world.  We encourage our children to be creative, unique, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our school, our local community and the wider world.


We follow equal opportunities guidance which guarantees that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar. We are dedicated to preparing students for their adult life beyond the formal examined curriculum and ensuring that it promotes and reinforces British values to all its students. This helps to support the children’s social, spiritual, emotional and cultural development (SMSC).


Click on the following link for examples of how different subject areas support children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

We ensure that the fundamental British values are introduced, discussed and lived out through our values-based philosophy that infuses the ethos and work of the school. The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy.


The five British Values are:


• Democracy
• The rule of law
• Individual liberty
• Mutual respect
• Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs


Click on the link below to read the school’s British Values and SMSC Policy.

All curriculum areas provide a vehicle for furthering understanding of these concepts and lessons provide excellent opportunities to deepen and develop understanding. Children embrace these concepts with enthusiasm and demonstrate a good understanding of their application to their own lives.


Each week we will look at a fundamental ‘British value’. British values will be incorporated in our assembly time and also in class discussion set aside for ‘British values’.


This is our assembly overview for the each term:

01883 342330
Audley Primary School,
Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5ED