Pupil Voice
The children in our school are the most important people!
As such, they have lots of opportunities to share their thoughts on school issues – both formally and informally!
Pupil Survey:
The latest pupil survey results can be found below.
Children in Years 2 – Year 6 completed the survey. We were delighted with the pupil responses.
Click below to see the full results:
Child-Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy
We as a school value the contribution made by our many pupil leadership groups. Our democratically voted Y6 Prefect Team play an important part in making improvements in the school. This year, the pupils worked together to create an updated child-friendly policy to enable all pupils to understand that at Audley bullying is taken seriously. The Prefect Team spread the message of zero tolerance to bullying through assemblies, peer mediator support and monitoring of behaviour both inside and around the school during breaktimes.