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Audley Primary School

A Journey to Excellence

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Y6 Morpurgo Class


Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Ivey and Mrs McKenna will be the teaching staff in Morpurgo Class. We are very excited to be leading our class on a ‘Journey to Excellence’ as we reach this very important milestone in your primary career.


We open the year with our 'Hidden Depths' topic, which also includes our 5-day residential to Marchants Hill. This will be a fun and educational week where we can bond and develop some important life skills.


We will of course be preparing for SATs tests, which start in May. We will all work together to ensure all children reach their full potential. That will mean hard-work from both students and teachers! Should you wish to invest in a revision-guide to support your child’s learning at home, the Year 6 team reference the CGP series; as well as ’Achieve 100 PLUS’ which is designed for learners aspiring to reach ‘Greater Depth’.


In Year 6, we hope to also prepare children for life in secondary school. This means taking on more responsibilities and developing leadership skills. As Year 6 are at the top of the school, we do expect all children to set a good example for others around the school. There are opportunities to take on leading roles as either: Head Boy/Girl, Prefect or House Captain, to name but a few. These are all jobs which require children to respect the rights of others in the school, be creative, able to share ideas with others and be excellent role models.




Spelling- there will be 20 words given weekly. This will be aligned with our No-Nonsense Spelling approach, incorporating National Curriculum spelling patterns and the Statutory Word List. We would strongly recommend they use the look, say, cover, write, check method and tackle up to 5 words per day. Vocabulary lists will be given out half-termly and a test will be administered every Friday.


Reading should be a minimum of 15 minutes a night and 5 minutes on a reflection about a character or the plot. If you have any concerns, then paired reading and scribing for your child is acceptable to keep within the 15 minutes.


In addition to this we will be giving out a piece of EGPS for consolidation on Friday, which is to be returned the following Wednesday. If for any reason homework is not completed, please send a note in and we can arrange for a break or lunch time catch up.


PE: Our P.E days are Thursday and Friday. After half-term we will be Swimming on Fridays. Please ensure that PE kits are worn to school on these days. Advice on earrings is that all jewellery should be removed for safety for all PE activities. If ears are recently pierced, children must bring in their own plasters to cover their ears for the 6 weeks healing time recommended. After this period, earrings should be removed for PE.


If you have any worries or concerns please come in and speak to us at the end of the day or organise a meeting through the office.


We look forward to working with you all this year.


The Year 6 Team.

01883 342330
Audley Primary School,
Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5ED