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Audley Primary School

A Journey to Excellence

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Medication and Organisation


When medicines are to be administered in school it is essential that safe procedures are established which are acceptable to appropriate school staff involved. It is essential that clear written instructions are supplied by parents when requesting that medication be administered to their child. Parents should always complete a Dispensing Medication Consent Form (green) available from the school office giving the child’s name and class, clear instructions on the dose to be administered to the child, the time to be given and for what period.  Medication must be in its original packaging including the prescriber’s details. Only the prescribed/recommended dose will be administered, this cannot be changed unless written instructions are given from a medical professional. The form should be signed by the parent or guardian and retained in the school office for reference by staff involved. A copy of the Pupil Medication Consent Form is attached below.

In cases where the child’s medical needs may be greater than those of their peers, the Headteacher may request that an individual Healthcare Plan be prepared if applicable by a Health Professional. In such cases, consultations on the Plan will include the school, health service practitioners and the parents/guardians.


Taking Medication on School Trips


It may be necessary to take medication for pupils on a school trip, i.e. Epipen, Inhalers or Epilepsy emergency medication. This medication must be logged in and out of school. It may also be necessary to take copies of any relevant care plans in case of emergency.

01883 342330
Audley Primary School,
Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5ED