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Audley Primary School

A Journey to Excellence

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Sports Premium


Sports Premium Funding


The Sport Premium Grant is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities that they offer to their pupils. The school is expecting to receive £17,830 in Sports Premium funding for 2023/24.


PE and Sport supports whole school improvements:


– Participation in PE and sport can improve a huge range of positive attitudes, attributes and skills.

– Participation in PE and sport will improve skill and health/well-being outcomes which will support transfer into measurable school achievement outcomes.

– PE and sport can also help to shape behaviour, promote inclusion and cohesion.

Schools are free to spend the Sports Premium as they see fit. However, they will be held accountable for how they have used the funding. The funding is there to:

– Help support teachers with training, with a view to increase their subject knowledge.

– Ensure all children participate and compete in school sports.

– Increase competitiveness of school sports.

– Work in partnership with other school and clubs to establish sustainable links.


We have looked at ways of utilising our Sports Premium to enhance the Teaching and Learning of PE within our school. We have identified the development areas below and targeted our funding accordingly.


Schools are required to publish online information about how the Sports Premium has been used. This will ensure that parents and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils in PE covered by the Premium and the extra provisions they receive.

01883 342330
Audley Primary School,
Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5ED