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Audley Primary School

A Journey to Excellence

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Mental Wellbeing & SEMH

The Wellbeing Offer at Audley is a strength our school.  We are always reflective and seek out new partnerships and ways of working to enhance positive mental health across the school community -children, parents and staff .


We recognise that mental health and wellbeing is just as important in our lives as our physical health. We understand that children’s positive mental health is central to their overall wellbeing, All children go through ups and downs during their school lives, and some will experience significant or challenging life events. Our children learn about what they can do to maintain positive mental health; what affects their mental health; reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues; and where to go to find help when they may need it. Our pastoral and safeguarding team also signpost adults in the school community to support.


Pupil wellbeing is of the utmost importance to all members of the school community and this runs alongside our commitment to Safeguarding. The emotional development of all our pupils is central to PSHCE at Audley and how this is embedded is clearly demonstrated by our Gold RRSA status.


The DFE recognises that, ‘in order to help their children succeed schools have a role in supporting them to be resilient and mentally healthy.’


School should be a place for children and young people to experience a nurturing and supportive environment. At Audley, we recognise the potential for our provision to build self-esteem and positive experiences for overcoming adversity and building resilience. For some, school may be a respite from challenges in their home life; a place, which offers positive role models, and relationships that are critical in building self-esteem and a sense of belonging. Our role in school is to ensure children manage change and stress, and that they are supported to achieve their potential. We teach how to access wellbeing support in school, and the wider community. Parents know that our Wellbeing Team Lead can signpost t specialist help when they feel families and children may need it. We are committed to listening to, working with and supporting parents to ensure the best offer for every child.


Our aim is to help every child to develop the protective factors, which build resilience to mitigate mental health problems. The staff are vigilant in identifying those pupils who are vulnerable at any time and in taking steps to ensure information is communicated so that they can have the best possible care. We will always contact parents when we have concerns about a child’s wellbeing and encourage families to approach us to share their concerns. We recognise that for some pupils, at some times, additional help and support is beneficial. There is strong evidence that early support is the most effective way to reduce the risk of poor mental health. Our Mental Health and Wellbeing team, are able to provide early help interventions matched to the needs of the child.  For most children this will be a short-term intervention delivered in school.


The Audley Wellbeing team;


  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead- Mrs Simister,
  • Emotional Learning Support Assistant- Mrs Elstone
  • THRIVE Practitioner – Mrs Cranstoun


At Audley we have strong, well developed links  with both the Surrey Mindworks Team and other Agencies – to whom we can signpost families to access further or more specialist support.

The Mindworks website has many useful links with support for children and young people as well as their families.

01883 342330
Audley Primary School,
Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5ED