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Audley Primary School

A Journey to Excellence

Contact Us

School Policies

Paper copies of the information on our website, can be provided free of charge.

Below you will find a list of policies. If you require a hard copy of any of these policies, or wish to see one that is not listed here then please contact the school office.

Parent Complaints Policy and Procedures


Audley Primary School aims to establish and promote a close relationship with all parents in the interests of their children. We recognise that children will feel more secure when they receive consistent messages from both home and school. We are committed to acting in the best interests of our children; all actions and decisions will be guided by this principle. Parents’ views about our school are welcomed, including the expression of any serious concerns. Be assured that no matter what you may wish to share with us, our support and respect for you and your child will not be affected in any way. At the same time we undertake to inform parents as soon as possible of about any issues of concern to the school so that we can gain co-operation in resolving them.


In the first instance we ask that you speak to your child’s Class Teacher at school.  If the matter is not resolved, then please arrange a mutually convenient appointment with the Headteacher, Mrs Rebello.


The school’s telephone number is: 01883 342330
The email address is:


We follow Surrey County Council’s Complaints Policy and Procedures. Any formal complaint can be emailed to and then the below policy and procedures will be applied. The policy and summary guide can be accessed by clicking on the following links:

We keep a record of all complaints so that we are informed about:


  • The nature of complaints.
  • The point at which the complaint was resolved.
  • The measures adopted to resolve the complaints.


The headteacher and senior staff will review this record on a regular basis to enable consideration to be given to any underlying issues which need to be addressed by the school and the governors.

01883 342330
Audley Primary School,
Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5ED