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Audley Primary School

A Journey to Excellence

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UNICEF and Rights Respecting Schools

RRSA Ambassadors


At Audley Primary School we have RRSA ambassadors, who work hard to help others in the school learn all about the important work of UNICEF.  The RRSA ambassadors have now been appointed and are busy completing a number of tasks throughout the school year.


Rights Respecting School


Audley Primary School is proud to be part of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, where every child is valued, cared for and developed to their full potential.


Our aims, values and pledge to the UNCRC awarded us the UNICEF Recognition of Commitment to the Rights Respecting Schools Award. We are now on our journey to becoming a rights-based community in which children are valued and where they are able to thrive. We reflect the belief that the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) “… gives young people the best chance to grow into respectful, active and resilient citizens.”

UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)


UNICEF is a worldwide organisation that was founded after the World War 11 in December 1946, to help children that faced famine and disease. It has been working to improve and protect the lives of children and their rights ever since. In 1989, countries across the world adopted UNICEF’s principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation.


What is a Rights Respecting School?


A rights-respecting school places the UNCRC at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos.


A rights-respecting school is a community where children’s rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted. The school community models rights and respect in all its relationships: between teachers / adults and pupils, between adults and between pupils.


We are now a Gold Rights Respecting School (July 2023) accredited on these standards.


Standard A: Rights Respecting values underpin the leadership and management of the school


Standard B: The whole school community learns about CRC


Standard C: The school has a Rights Respecting Ethos


Standard D: Children are taught to become active listeners and learners


What are the benefits?


On the school


Audley Primary believes that the principals and values of RRSA, has an undeniably positive impact on the ambience of the learning environment. It supports the school’s collaborative and inclusive approach. Relationships within the whole school community are enhanced from the shared values and the Rights – Respecting Language.


On children


Increased levels of respect for each other, leading to improved relationships within the school community


Improved self- esteem and confidence as a result of knowing they have a voice and are listened to.


Children’s engagement in the school and their own learning is enhanced; thus attainment improves.


Children feel safe and secure from the consistent practice of rights-respecting language guided by the CRC.


There is a reduction in bullying and discriminatory behaviour among children.


Children develop a deeper understanding of the diversity of the wider world.


On adults


Supports and promotes a more unified approach across the school.


There is greater consultation between adults and children.


School community facilitates participation and discussion between teachers, parents and carers.


Adults have a shared understanding and commitment towards a common goal.


School community fosters a nurturing approach that aspires to meet the needs of all its children.


Our Charters


Each class has a Class Charter.  These support the philosophy of ‘Everyone has a right…..Everyone has a responsibility’.

The RRSA Ambassadors have created a Rights Respecting Lunch Hall Charter to remind all pupils of our expectations:


01883 342330
Audley Primary School,
Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5ED