Y2 Browne Class
Welcome to Browne Class!
This year our teachers are Mrs Fernandes, Mrs Ivey and Ms Aijaz. We are looking forward to working hard and sharing your learning and achievements with you. We are learning about some very exciting topics this year so keep a look out for some fun trips and workshops that will be happening throughout the year!
In Autumn 1 we will be learning about Victorians in ‘Up the Chimney’, focusing on how toys have changed and will be creating our own marble runs in DT and Science. Following this, we will take a flight over to Australia during our topic ‘Journey down under’ and explore the Great Barrier Reef. After Christmas, our topic is ‘The Circle of Life’. We will be writing life cycle information texts and exploring how different animals change and grow. We will be learning about our local area in ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ in Spring 2 and Summer 1, reading Flat Stanley and observing nature across Caterham. Finally, we will be reading Katie Morag stories during our topic ‘Besides the seaside’.
PE – Our PE days this year will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please come to school dressed in your PE kits on these days so we can spend more time doing lots of physical activity and having fun!
Homework – Is set on Friday and will be due the following Wednesday. There will be a piece of EGPS (English, grammar, punctuation and spelling) and a Doodle Maths challenge. Homework will be published on Google Classroom.
Spelling – Word lists are published on Google Classroom at the end of each week. Class tests will take place on Fridays.
Reading – Daily reading is expected to be completed at home alongside the daily reading undertaken by the pupils in class. Pupils will choose a library book on Thursdays, these need to be returned to school on the following Thursday. Scheme books will be issued on Tuesdays and need to be returned to school the following Tuesday.
Uniform and Spare Clothes – As we are an OPAL school and play outside in all weather, please make sure your child brings a coat, wellies (which can be left at school) and a change of uniform in a named bag – especially socks!
Finally, school stationary is provided so your child does not need to bring their own pencil-case to avoid them being lost or damaged.
If you have any queries, questions or concerns, please do come and catch me at the end of the day or drop an email to the office to request a phone call.
Thank you!
Mrs Fernandes
Y2 Class teacher